jujur, saat itu memang ada 2 anak scholars dri Singapore yg udh selse GCSE O level mereka dtg ke skolah buat jdi asisten guru..karena kelas gw sama dgn kelas mereka dan kita memang seumuran, jdi kita bisa ngobrol ttg pengalaman GCSE dan jga Sec 4 disana..tpi tmn gw slalu ngeliatnya dari sisi negative..
boleh dibilang gw kurang bisa IPA..chemistry and physics..jdi xlo ada 2 top students, gk salah kan gw minta diajarin yg gw gk ngerti?? dari situlah mreka malah bilang gw pura" bego dpn mereka dan gw dibilang coba" nyari attention dari mereka..sakit gk sih xlo lu yg di gosipin gitu ?? sumpah gw ampe speechless pas gw denger ttg hal ini dari burung kecil yg berbicara di udara..
well, the truth is that gw itu memang mau blajar apa yg bener..bukannya flirt dgn mereka..sorry, gw bukan pelacur dan gw yakin mereka jga bisa bilang xlo memang bener gw nanya tugas yg gw gk bisa gw kerjain..
lu mungkin gk tau rasanya gmn xlo lu yg digituin..klo lu yg digituin, lu lngsng ngadu ke ortu dan bisanya cmn lapor ke guru xlo gw ngata2in..tpi apa gw ada ngadu ke ortu ttg itu ?? NGGA!! NGGA PERNAH !! lu gk pernah aja ngalamin kyk gini..dihina diem-diem just because you assume and tell the others that i'm flirting!!
kalo lu sadar bahwa org yg gw mention disini itu elo, please, jgn sebar2in lagi..apa gw pernah bikin maslah sama lu ??jgn cmn bisanya nyebarin gossip belaka! seriously, it really hurts my feelings that another painful issue comes again into my life..I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THOSE PAINFUL ISSUES THAT YOU BLAME ON ME !!!
so, please stop it and gw cuman gk nyangka aja kalo lu punya pikiran kyk gini..bener" gk nyangka ttg ini..mgkn gw nyesel kenal sama lu..lu itu org yg gk pernah appreciate what a friend does to you..
only God knows what actually happened that time..for you guys who said that I was flirting with the new boys, you're wrong and it is a sin that you carry for the rest of your life...
i guess that's it that i can say...it's too late for you to apologize even if you regret it..next time watch out with the words that are coming out from your mouths..
1 comment:
Pam, sirik tanpa tak mampu. Cuek aja. :)
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