Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry that i posted the Teachers' day blog late coz i am now busy preparing for my CA1 tests and my internet sometimes sucks and it makes me irritating..hehe..well i'll tell u something after i have done my CA1 tests..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

TeacHeRs' Day

Today, my classmates n I sang the poem "Your Gift To Us" to Mr. Hendry and Ms. Malini because yesterday both of them were not in school. Ms Malini was sick n Mr. Hendry had to go to KG campus to teach. This poem is written by Pris n we sang the bolded part!!

This is the poem:

Your Gift To Us
You quench our thrist for knowledge
Like an oasis of life
You guide us to the path of success
Through turbelence and troubles
Yet like a daffodil that perseveres through the bitter winter
You still bloom in spring oh my teachers!
Through hardship you toil
With tolerance and patience
Not for diamonds, nor for pearls
But to impart to us treasures untold,Oh my wonderful teachers!
Materials cannot compare to the priceless wisdom you impart
We know the dawn of great kings and philosophers
Begins with this priceless gift ----
The Gift of Knowledge and Wisdom from you,
So with grateful hearts that overflows with thanks,
We, your students, salute you!