Friday, September 12, 2008

Sorry that i posted the Teachers' day blog late coz i am now busy preparing for my CA1 tests and my internet sometimes sucks and it makes me irritating..hehe..well i'll tell u something after i have done my CA1 tests..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

TeacHeRs' Day

Today, my classmates n I sang the poem "Your Gift To Us" to Mr. Hendry and Ms. Malini because yesterday both of them were not in school. Ms Malini was sick n Mr. Hendry had to go to KG campus to teach. This poem is written by Pris n we sang the bolded part!!

This is the poem:

Your Gift To Us
You quench our thrist for knowledge
Like an oasis of life
You guide us to the path of success
Through turbelence and troubles
Yet like a daffodil that perseveres through the bitter winter
You still bloom in spring oh my teachers!
Through hardship you toil
With tolerance and patience
Not for diamonds, nor for pearls
But to impart to us treasures untold,Oh my wonderful teachers!
Materials cannot compare to the priceless wisdom you impart
We know the dawn of great kings and philosophers
Begins with this priceless gift ----
The Gift of Knowledge and Wisdom from you,
So with grateful hearts that overflows with thanks,
We, your students, salute you!

Friday, August 29, 2008

consequences of going in to Mrs.Ong's office

actually, last tuesday, Feli and I were going to Mrs. Ong's office to ask for the FM chinese workbook. then, she told us to compose a poem for the teachers. Pris had composed a very good one. it is "Your Gift To Us"..we will present it on 1st Sep, we will sing the poem with the tune of the song called WONDERFUL TONIGHT.. it will be so awesome...can't wait for tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

incident during Science period

Last Tuesday, we were having Science class in the Scence Lab. When the lesson was over, the boys, except our funny Kenny, were rushing out of the lab and they pulled the door till all the girls, including me couldn't go out. While they pulling the door to and fro, Carol, Feli and I were saying goodbye and thank you mr. ng, god bless.... Pris said GOD DAMN IT YOU!!! luckily didn't hear what Pris had said. He might think that Pris was saying that phrase to him. hahaha...dats all for that day..

Sunday, August 24, 2008

first time doing ribbon dance

huh!! it was so hard as it is my first time dancing with ribbon for my church Christmas event. It was so hard till i hit the didn't fell..thank God...It was so hard from what i thought earlier that dancing with ribbon was easier than tambourine.

so the teacher, Ci Natalie, chose me and my friend, Tasya, to be the ribbon dancers rather than playing tambourine. Actually, i preferred ribbon dance than tambourine coz after i tried the ribbon dance compared to tambourine, ribbon dance is much easier than tambourine.

tambourine is harder coz have to shake, hit and press watsoever...luckily the movements is only 4x and it will be repeated. i think i can do it by just next week then show to it to ci Natalie without mistakes if i have time to practise on the coming days.

hopefully, this year Christmas celebration will be as cool as last year's because before i joined choir and now i joined the ribbon dance. So, Tasya and i will dance while the people at the church sing together with the Worship Leader and singers.

I think we will dance for the opening ceremony, some songs and of course the closing ceremony.
the exercise for the dance both tambourine and ribbon are similar to ballet. So on the event, the dancers will wear ballet shoes and the uniform will be some kind of a dress but i don't want to wear long dress that will make me trip while turning with the ribbon.

i think that's all for today...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

BeST n cHiLdHooD FriEndS

A girl named Jennyfer Chrisilia Wilopo, who is my BEST and CHILDHOOD friend until now. A boy named Reinhard is also my BEST and CHILDHOOD friends. The three of us are friends since we are kindergarten until now. We always meet at Church because we knew each other at Church. I have photos to be shared among my friends and I:


ReiNhaRd & JeNnYfeR






giRLz rOOm



freak Ko Deo

Friday, August 22, 2008

HaTe tHaT dEnTiSt!!!

DAMN IT!!!!!!!

the dentist just screwed my braces so tight!!!!
Gosh hate her!!!

"CaLm down Pamela...u'll be ok!!
it doen't hurt too long!"
You're rite!!
u dont feel it n suffer it!!
it's me!!!
Damn!!!it hurts ALOT!!!!

She also told me to go to her friend to pull off one of my teeth!!
NO WAY!!!!IT HURTS ALOT!!!!!!!!!!


Arghhhhh!!!it hurts!!!

her friend is so scary!!!!
he wears thick specs n so tall and OLD!!!
but the energy when pulling out my teeth is so STRONG!!!





Thursday, August 21, 2008

Me, MySeLF and I

Ok!!It's my first blog account n I'm so happy!!!
Let me do the intro of myself!!!

Elizabeth Pamela Margono


September 7th, 1994

a giRL

a dAuGhTer

a sisTeR

"pam" or "pem" or "pamz" are my nicknames..


a sTuDeNt from SingaPoRe PSB ScHoOL

Shio: Dog

StaR: ViRgO

wHaT I LiKe???




♥icEd cHoCoLaTe♥

♥read magazines♥

♥listening to music♥

♥chat(MSN, YaHoo,SkyPe)♥

♥pinK, puRpLe n bLuE♥

what i HATE?
H A T E !!!!






[.DANGDUT songs.]

[.anyting that deals with chilly.]


Most of the times, i like to listen to the Click Five songs..

I also like to listen to bLueS' songs...hahaha...


they r so cooolllllllll!!!

by the way, i really wanna meet:

  2. My LOVELY family
  3. Lee Min Ho
  4. Jennifer Chrizilia
  5. ReinHarD Jr.
  6. The cLiCk FiVe
  7. Beta
  8. Chelsea
  9. Gege
  10. cKaa
  11. Meliana
  12. FeLiCia
  13. CaRoL
  14. Pris
  15. Ms. Ng
  16. Mr. Lee
  17. Ms. Thiang
  18. Ms. Malini
  19. Mr. Ng
  20. Ms. Lim (even though i hate her, but she is better than Mr. Liu)
  21. Ko Rendy
  22. Sisca
  23. Ci Novi
  24. Ci aMeL
  25. Kak Nadia
  26. Ko Eric
  27. KO Pete
  28. Ko Handy yg humoris
  29. Ko Deo yg jago main polmal(card)
  30. Ko Boy (long time no see)
  32. Ko Derry yg sk foto2
  33. Ci Cella (his gf)
  34. Vanessa (BALI)
  35. Jesslyn (BALI)
  36. Ayu Gita
  37. KimBerLy
  38. Jovita
  39. Jessica
  40. Melissa
  41. Ci Jessica
  42. Ci Sumire
  43. Ci Marylin
  44. Reina
  45. Talitha alias Titha (my chldhd fren)
  46. Haila
  47. Tasyaa
  48. Ci Vany
  49. Dewi
  50. Afa
  51. N9eL yg sdh lama tak bertemu
  52. Youth Campers (xcept org2 yg nyebelin bgt)
  54. SiMpLe pLan
  55. PanIc at tHe DisCo
  56. MUSE
  57. LinKin PaRk
  58. MuTeMaTh
  59. GooD cHaRLoTTe
  60. gReen DaY
  61. KiM Bum
  62. Rain Bi
  63. Kim Joon
  64. McFLY
  65. EscaLa
  66. RezKy Aditya
  67. The GUYS that were on the same cruise with me @ Fisherman Wharf
  69. TayLor LautNeR
  70. TayLor SwiFt
  71. KeLLy cLarKson
  72. Ne-Yo
  73. DaVid ArcHuu
  74. DaVid CoOk
  75. KaYne WeST
  76. Aven9ed SeVenFoLd
  77. EmiNem
  78. fLo-RiDa
  79. iL DiVo
  80. JaSon Mraz
  81. MaRoon 5
  82. P!nK
  83. MicHaeL BubLe
  84. my Friendz in ST and SIS (miss u guys)